Business Card Scanner

Cut down your time inputting people records from business cards using our business card scanner! With this feature, you are able to simply take a picture of a business card, map the fields, and move onto the next task.

To use the business card scanner, open the mobile app and press the “+” at the bottom of the screen. Then choose the “Scan Business Card” option.

Once the scanner is opened, you will take a picture of a business card by positioning the card between the red corners and clicking the white middle button. If you have previously taken a picture of the business card, you can press the picture icon in the bottom left corner to access your camera roll and upload that picture. 

You will then be prompted to map the fields on the business card. When all of the applicable fields have been mapped, press Save in the top right-hand corner! That record will be added to your account and will be accessible any place that you log into Pipeline.

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