Email Campaign Reporting

Reporting on an Email Campaign 

Reporting on a campaign is easy with our email drip campaigns feature. You can view high-level metrics such as Sent, Open Rate, and Click Rate, directly from the campaigns list. For more detailed performance metrics, simply click on the specific campaign name and navigate to the Reporting tab.

Once you're on the Reporting tab, you'll see the overall campaign performance, including Delivered, Open Rate, Click-Through Rate (CTR), and Unsubscribed Rate. The click-through per email chart shows the CTR for each campaign step, and when you hover over a specific step, you can see detailed stats for that step.

The analytics for the campaigns will also appear on the overall email analytics tab. 

Finally, you can see the campaign recipients on the Reports tab of the specific campaign. With all of this information at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions about your email outreach and optimize them for even better results.

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