Publishing, Editing, and Saving Campaigns

To publish a campaign, simply toggle the button in the upper right corner of the campaign flow to turn it "ON'. 

If you want to save a campaign in draft mode and publish it later, you can turn it on from the campaigns list view. 

If you turn on a campaign, but the start date is set in the future, it will show as "off" in the list view, and the start date will be visible on the list. When the start date arrives, the campaign will automatically toggle to "on." If you try to toggle the campaign off while the campaign time frame window is open, you'll see a confirmation modal that asks if you're sure you want to turn off the campaign. It will also remind you that the campaign is set to expire on a certain date automatically.

Please note that sending times are in 15-minute increments. Emails set to send automatically will be sent within 15 minutes of the contact meeting the entry criteria.  

Editing a Campaign

Anytime that you make changes to any of the steps in your campaign, you'll need to save the changes via the "Save and Continue" or "Save and Close" buttons at the bottom. "Save and Continue" will take you to the next steps in the email campaign builder. "Save and Close" will save your changes and take you back to the campaigns list view. 

Deleting Email Steps in the Campaign

Whether or not you can delete email steps in the email campaign depends on if the specific step has already resulted in sent emails. If emails have already been sent via that email step, the step can be disabled, but not deleted. This is for the accuracy of tracking and historical reporting. If the step in the email campaign hasn't resulted in any sent emails, you can delete the step and the email will be removed from the steps completely. 

Deleting A Campaign 

To delete a campaign, users can go to the campaign list view and find the campaign they want to delete. Executive users have the ability to delete all campaigns, but basic users can only delete campaigns they created. Once the user clicks on the campaign they want to delete, a confirmation modal appears to ensure the user wants to delete the campaign as this action cannot be undone. If the user proceeds with the deletion, the campaign will be stopped and no more emails will be sent out in the campaign.

Next: Email Campaign Reporting

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