Creating a New Email Campaign

Creating a new email campaign will open up the campaign editor, which is a tool that allows you to create and edit email sequences. The first step in the campaign editor flow will ask you to fill out campaign details, such as the name of the campaign, the time frame, and the description. 

The campaign setup includes four sections: Campaign overview/details, Rules and Conditions (entry and exit criteria, exclusion rules, sending time frames), Steps (setting the contents of each email step and the delays between each), and Reporting (CTR's for each step, recipients for the campaign). Once you've set up your basic information for the campaign, you'll want to click save and continue and move on to the Rules & Conditions where you can set the campaign's entry and exit criteria and various settings.

Only Executive users have the ability to create global campaigns, which can be sent to any contacts in the account that meet the campaign criteria. Private campaigns, on the other hand, will only be sent to contacts that the user owns. 

Non-executive users can only create private campaigns and only if their user permission has the "can send email campaigns" option toggled on. This option is turned on by default. 

Rules & Conditions

Campaign-specific settings allow users to customize their email drip campaigns based on their specific needs. Users can set entry and exit criteria for their campaigns, which can be triggered by any existing automation triggers. This means that now you have immense flexibility in choosing when a contact should enter the campaign and when they should exit it. 

In the above scenario, when any new contact is added to the CRM and the source is "Inbound Call" they will be entered in this campaign. 

The same automations criteria are present with the exit criteria. In the above example, we've set that contacts will exit the campaign when they receive all of the emails or respond to one of the emails. They will also be exited from the campaign if a deal is added and associated to that contact. 

Exception rules help users avoid sending duplicate emails to contacts who have already been contacted in the past or those who don't want to receive outreach. Users can set custom time periods for when a contact was last contacted and exclude specific email addresses, companies, or domains.

Delivery schedule allows users to set when they want their emails to be sent. Users can choose to send emails immediately after contact qualifies or on specific days of the week. This feature gives users more control over their outreach strategy and helps them reach contacts at the most effective times.

Please note that the delivery schedule and exclusion rule settings are available in the account-wide campaign settings in the account settings and can be accessed only by an Admin user. These settings are applied by default to all campaigns in the account, but users can override them with campaign-specific settings.

Next: Publishing, Editing & Saving a Campaign

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