Focused Lists

Focused lists allow you to create a list of records in your account that are not subject to specific filters. This allows you to pick and choose which records will appear on the list rather than creating a list based on specific attributes. The list will only contain records that you specifically select and you do not need to worry about records being added or removed from the list inadvertently when you refresh the page. This is helpful if you want to create a list of people you need to reach out to but there isn't a commonly shared attribute that you can filter for.

There are two ways that you can create a focused list, from the "List Options" dropdown or by selecting your desired records and using the "Bulk Actions" at the top. Once your list is saved it will appear in your list name dropdown so you can return to it and begin working out of your list. 

While most current LV functionality will be present on this new type of saved list, there are a few changes to be aware of:
  • Focused Lists are limited to 250 records
  • All records are loaded on the initial page load (no pagination) 
  • Filtering focused lists is currently disabled
  • Historical metrics are not available on focused lists

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